Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports

It's been days since Max and her friends have been ambushed by Erasers, and the tentative sense of security is making them uneasy. Until Max's Voice informs them that all the Erasers and other genetic projects have been exterminated and the bird kids are the last ones remaining. Then the flock is captured by what has replaced the Erasers - flying robots with Eraser skin that are harder to get rid of. Plus, one of their own may be a traitor. The flock discovers that Intex, the company in control of the School and the Institute, and pretty much the world, has started phase 1 of the By-Half Plan to reduce the world's population by half. After escaping, Max and Fang divide the group in two, each having their own ideas of how the world should be saved. The girls head to Germany to take down the Itex World Headquarters, while the boys use Fang's blog to enlist activist children all over the world. In Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports, Max's questions about her family are answered and she faces the tragic death of a key player in her life.

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