Tuesday, June 8, 2010

House Rules

This is the fourth book I've read by Jodi Picoult and she is one of my favorite writers. She puts so much detail into every part of her story, and shows each character's point of view, which makes it so realistic. House Rules is about a teenage boy with Asperger's Syndrome, Jacob, who is accused of murdering his tutor whom he had a crush on. All the evidence points to Jacob's involvement, not to mention his obsession with forensics and the fact that he constantly fidgets and avoids eye contact. Just when the prosecution thinks they have hard evidence and a cut-and-dry case, the truth starts to unravel, shocking everyone, even Jacob. The court scenes were very long and repetitive, but I was intrigued and saddened to learn more about Asperger's, especially hearing the difficulties and frustrations from Jacob's point of view.

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